
October 2022


Diet Tips during Chemotherapy

While we hope you won’t ever need it, we at Breast Cancer Car Donations have created a checklist of practical tips to help guide you in eating healthy during your chemotherapy treatment. While this may not be an end-all solution, it offers helpful tips that can give you ideas and help you start your diet plan. Don’t hesitate to consult your doctor on your diet plans either. Continue reading for dietary inspiration.

Healthy Diet Tips for Chemotherapy from Breast Cancer Car Donations, a non profit car donation foundation

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Important Details that you Need to Know About Microbiology Lab Testing

A microbiological laboratory is vital to biological research concerning Infection Prevention and Control (IPC). Through this lab, a determination is made regarding the most frequent microbes responsible for health-wise infections. Also, it facilitates the performance of the basic typing of the microorganisms for evaluation.

Microbiology lab testing is the process in which microbes are studied to identify and treat the contaminants before they cause unrecoverable damage.

Microbiological lab testing is mandatory across many industries. The article below will walk you through the process of microbiology lab testing, the different industries that rely on it, and its importance to businesses.

The Process of Microbiology Lab Testing

The microbiology lab testing process is sub-divided into three categories, namely;

  • The quantitive testing
  • The qualitative testing and
  • The microbial toxins testing.

Before the microbiology lab testing process takes off, a preparation procedure is undertaken. This preparation is done through a process called Aseptic Technique in Laboratory Preparation. This preparation exercise is purposed to keep the equipment, cultures, and laboratory personnel free from unwanted organisms or bacterial contamination.

This process is done in three different ways, namely;

  • Sterilization
  • Sanitization and
  • Disinfection

Actual Lab Testing

Microbiology lab testing comprises five basic lab procedures. These procedures are referred to as the Culture Techniques Procedures. Microbiologists can study and characterize the microbes using this technique by introducing a small sample of the organism into a culture medium with the assistance of a platinum wire probe running along its surface. The particular growth spotted on or in the medium is called Culture.

The five culture procedures used in microbiology lab testing are;

  • Inoculation – This is the process in which a particular microorganism is introduced to a culture medium to grow colonies.
  • Incubation – This is the process of keeping the broth holding the inoculation in the incubator for a specific period and temperature to facilitate maximum bacterial growth.
  • Isolation –This is the process in which an actual count or an estimation of the growth changes of the organism is made. It is done using various processes such as plate count, serial dilution, the most probable number method, and the spectrophotometer.
  • Inspection – This is the process where you observe the characteristics of an organism while noting them down to help with the identification process. This could be done by use of a microscope to modify the features, or you can refer to its motility capacity, morphological characteristics, cell properties, biochemical status, serology status, and molecular study.
  1. Identification – This is the final process where you can give the identity of the organisms about the inspection process information.

Different Types of Industries That Rely on Microbiology Lab Testing

Safety measures such as microbiological lab testing must be observed for almost every business to thrive. Below is a list of industries that rely on microbiological lab testing as a precaution for safety measures.

●      Food Industry

Food safety is essential health-wise. The food production industry exercises microbiology testing to help them prevent food-borne diseases that could be traced back to their products. They do this to avoid penalties associated with neglecting this measure put in place by the government. It is also a way to save lives since this could result in fatal incidences.

●      Textile Industry

Textile production requires safety and quality. Microbiology lab testing ensures no use of the banned chemicals and the presence of an unhealthy residue.

●      Pharmaceutical Industry

Medication should reach their consumers in a sterilized condition, safe, and ready to be administered to the patients. Pharmaceutical lab testing is responsible for determining the condition of the drugs during the processing, production, and packaging process to rule whether it is safe for consumption.

●      Healthcare Industry

Healthcare facilities must adapt to regular texting to avoid spreading harmful bacterial infections.

Importance of Microbiology Lab Testing on Businesses

  • Ensures safe end products for the consumers.
  • Avoids legal penalties as stipulated by the rules and the regulation board.
  • Helps contain and prevent further bacterial infection in a certain area.
  • For study purposes.
  • Discovery of new drugs.
  • Ensures quality end product that equals the customer’s value.
  • Helps clear counterfeit products from the market.


You should clear those doubts today if you are unsure whether to have your business product tested for safety measures. It is wise to take precautions as early as now than regret later for not doing so. Postponing safety measures for your business might be a costly decision in the future. Endorse a microbiology lab testing plan in your business today.

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