
Top tips to organize an event within a Budget

Planning an event can be extremely confusing at times considering the wide variety of choices that are available today in the form of various cuisines, themes, etc. Making a wrong decision while planning an event can end up with you spending more than what you had budgeted. So, here are a few tips that will help you plan a memorable event while staying under your budget.

  • Start with a Pen & Paper

Estimating the number of people attending the event can help in calculating the amount of food that you will require. While making a list of the expected guests, you also have to make sure to note down any particular dietary requirement some of your guests might have. By not doing so, you might end up with food being wasted besides hungry & upset guests.

  • Choose the right theme and cuisine

Catering costs depend a lot on the theme and choice of cuisine that you make. Having a formal theme to your event can increase the cost. So, it is best to stick to something casual when you are dealing with a limited budget. Team lunches, friendly hangouts, and others are more of informal style events and certainly save you a lot . The same applies when you select the cuisine where you can choose dishes. This helps in saving much food and hence reduces the cost.

The cuisines choice also affects the serving cost, like serving pizza would require one waiter for a maximum of 3 servings while on the other hand if you choose to serve canapés, it will need at least two servers for one dish and thus increasing the total cost.

  • Pick the right caterer

Choosing the caterer can be tricky. A wrong choice might end up costing you more than what your budget is. Pick a caterer who has good experience with serving food for events that are similar to the one you plan for.  Choosing a large-scale caterer for a small event can be a mistake as it will lead to excessive food wastage; the vice versa is also true because a small caterer might not be able to deliver the quality and quantity required for serving a big event.

  • Stay in your budget

You might find yourself trying to make adjustments to fit in an overpriced caterer, cuisine, or venue. Doing so will only affect the other aspects.  If you choose an expensive caterer, you might have to sacrifice on the décor or venue. That will disrupt the balance of the entire function. So instead of having your heart set on a particular choice, just choose the one that fits your budget. You can do that by calculating the cost of catering or ask the caterer like Deco Catering to do it for you and then go for the one that can offer something similar to your budget.