
March 2017


Three Excellent Health Benefits to Drinking Coffee

Scientific studies continue to inform us that coffee is good for you.  While you are probably keenly aware of coffee’s stimulant Kafexpress nature—thanks to its abundant caffeine—you may not be so aware of the many other health benefits that you can actually get from drinking coffee.

And if that is the case, here are a few of the dozen health benefits that come along with that daily cup (or two) of joe.


First and foremost we have to remember that caffeine, on its own, is not a nutrient.  It is not, technically, good for the body by itself. However, the natural stimulant can do some wonders for the body that can help improve nutrition. For example, stimulants expand the blood vessels, which means increased circulation, more efficient oxygenation, and better nutrient absorption and delivery.  Of course, all of these things can also contribute to higher energy levels.  But stimulants are also helpful in that they can boost your metabolism and help you burn fat more effectively (between 10 and 29 percent improvement depending on your existing body fat percentage).


While caffeine is not a nutrient, there are still many nutrients that you can get from consuming coffee.  For example, in just a single cup of coffee, you will enjoy:

  • 2 percent RDA of Magnesium
  • 2 percent RDA of Niacin
  • 3 percent RDA of Potassium
  • 3 percent RDA of Manganese
  • 6 percent RDA of Pantothenic Acid
  • 11 percent RDA of Riboflavin.

Most of these are B vitamins, which assist in metabolism and energy production. And, of course, if you drink more than one serving a coffee a day—as many do—you can multiply these benefits.


By drinking coffee, you could also enjoy a reduction in the risk for several age-related conditions. Study evidence is not entirely conclusive, but many suggest that regular coffee consumption can contribute to an improvement of:

  • up to 20 percent risk reduction for stroke
  • up to 40 percent risk reduction for various types of cancer
  • up to 50 percent risk reduction for Type II Diabetes
  • up to 53 percent risk reduction for depression
  • up to 60 percent risk reduction for Parkinson’s disease
  • up to 65 percent risk reduction for Alzheimer’s disease
  • up to 80 percent risk reduction for cirrhosis of the liver

Finally, these studies conclude—or, at least, suggest—that you can lower your risk of death by as much as 30 percent just by drinking coffee every day.

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